Israel is a successful and flourishing state, with unparalleled achievements that inspire people from around the world. But it is also facing enormous domestic and international challenges. We are trapped in a social and political crisis that is impacting our ability to safeguard this upward trajectory and to maintain the promise of a safe and successful future for Israel’s citizens and the Jewish people as a whole.
The social cohesion crisis and the absence of state governance are endangering Israel. The various solutions proposed by the left and right offer a narrow and incomplete perspective that perpetuates the political impasse and leaves a gaping hole in the center of Israeli public life.
The One Hundred Initiative is a politically independent civil society organization that seeks to address the crises facing Israeli politics and society by advancing a comprehensive centrist agenda that meets the needs of our present moment. The initiative is a partnership between senior figures from Israel’s tech industry, business sector, public sector and third sector, and it seeks to be a home for fresh ideas, policies and leadership that will shape a new Israeli paradigm.
The One Hundred Initiative is developing tools and solutions to tackle both major crises that threaten Israel’s future – the social cohesion crisis and the governance crisis.
The absence of a baseline Israeli consensus holds back the various constituent parts of Israeli society from working together to face the social and national challenges facing us.
Superficial and divisive agenda with few points of commonality between different groups in society, combined with public, political and media discourse that incentivizes polarization and extremism.
Inequality of opportunity, cost of living, an inadequate safety net and a declining belief in the maxim that hard work leads to success.
Increased tensions between religious and secular, liberals and conservatives, Jews and Arabs, Ashkenazis and Sephardis.
The gulf between the size and complexity of the challenges facing the state, and the ability and capacity of the state’s institutions and governing figures to tackle them successfully.
In its current constellation, the system is designed to incentivize measures that provide an immediate return, shorn of any national socioeconomic vision or policies to protect future generations.
Declining state-level capabilities and proficiency, an absence of transparency, accountability, diversity and leadership by example.
Public services that fail to provide solutions to challenges, inefficient organizational structures and processes, a system that obstructs and hinders change and development.
We believe that tackling these crises and building a brighter future is only possible througha moderate, strong and influential political center with a secureand long-term mandate to lead the country while building new alliances and partnerships.
We believe that this center must rest on a focused, watertight and detailed vision, and that it must put forward new and relevant solutions to the challenges of government and society.
We do not consider centrism to be a position of compromise or a midpoint between two ideologies. It is neithersimplisticnor simplified. It is a whole worldof beliefs, ideasandperspectives –of theoriesand practice.
We also believe the center is the spiritual homeof the majority of the Israeli public, which seeks to balance the inherent complexities and tensionsof life in Israel and to live within and among them in harmony, neither ignoring them nor seeking to eliminate them.
That is why we wish to put an end to the constant disqualifying discourse around what is not possible, and to propose in its place a center ground with a clear vision of what is possible that rests on ideologically sound and practical foundations.
To tackle the crisis, The One Hundred Initiative has developed a platform for practical measures, initiatives and organizations that work together and apart to advance a centrist Israeli identity and policy that will lay the groundworkto overcomethe challenges facing our society and our country.
The Manor Center is a research, policy and impact organization working to enhance social cohesion and government efficiency. Manor develops centric policy, proposals and ideas working to effect change, and works at multiple arenas, such as - government, civil society, media and the legal system.
The Libba Center seeks to build a philosophy, language, awareness and public leadership for the Israeli ideological center. Libba works to develop ideas, provide subject-specific training and empower a professional and socially minded generation of leaders to advance the Jewish-democratic centrist agenda.
The Revadim Forum is building social leadership within the Israeli tech sector, leveraging the human and technological capital in the sector to address challenges facing Israeli society, government and the economy.